Week 5

So, I'm going to start putting the dates that the photos were taken since the numbers no longer match up! And you know what, I actually kind of like this week's photos.

January 29 - February 4


I recently had the craving for a Crunch ice cream bar, so we found some at the store! I used to have them a lot when I was a kid. Unfortunately, they seem much smaller now.


I was going to snap the picture when it hit 11,000, but I completely forgot when I was driving home from school so this is once I was home and remembered, haha.


I painted my nails for the first time in ages! I honestly can't remember the last time I had polish on my fingernails. And in case you couldn't tell what kind of car I have by the previous picture, it's a Mini Cooper!


If you ever see a blue Cooper with a white top and this paper crane, it's most likely mine.


This is me. And more of the Coop's interior.


This is my geography book and this photo is a lie. I actually didn't read it at all that day, it's quite dull.


This poor pup was lost and in a weird turn of events we found out that the kid who ended up riding away with it on his bike didn't actually belong to him!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

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